Register & Match in your Postcode!

Welcome to Postcode Match!

Want to meet and match with singles in your postcode? You've landed in the right place...
Join Postcode Match and chat with local singles in postcodes all across the UK. You can meet and match with singles through accessing your safe % Secure account on all devices including desktop, tablet and mobile! So why wait any longer when you can match with someone special in your postcode now!

About Postcode Match

Why Postcode Match is possibly the best UK dating site...

Postcode Match has been designed to cater to your needs focusing on helping you to reach not only single people, but single peaople in your area, allowing you to meet up and go on dates in a surrounding that you are comfortable in! It has been designed to make it easier for members to meet local singles regardless of where you are or what you are doing. Take advantage of our search tools allowing you to match with singles by distance, age, build, interests, characteristics, hair colour and so much more! Find love locally today at Postcode Match!

1. Take a pic...

Show other singles your smile!

Once registered you can add to your profile to show off all the other amazing things about you!

2. Search members...

Match with singles in your area...

You can use our search features to help you find your perfect postcode match!

3. Meet & match with special someone...

Match with someone special today!

Our members are looking to match with someone special like you in their postcode just like you, so why wait any longer, discover dating on your doorstep today!

Will Postcode Match Work For Me?

Over the last 18 years we've helped thousands of people meet their perfect match within their local area that they otherwise would never have found. Postcode Match is a community that allows you to match with singles in a safe and secure environment and with new potential matches joining everyday there is every opportunity for you to meet that special someone! So don't wait around for a more exciting life to come to you, grab it with both hands at Postcode Match now!

So, what are you waiting for? Someone special is waiting for you right around the corner!

Join free today!